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Trigger on every mail sent from Mailchimp

  • 14 September 2023
  • 7 replies

We’d like to add an activity note (on a per-person basis) into our CRM each time a message is sent from mail chimp.

I don’t see any built-in triggers for this, so I’ve set up a webhook in Mailchimp and a Catch hook in Zapier. The issue is the data returned from Mailchimp doesn’t include the email addresses the campaign was sent to (See image).

Any idea how to get those email addresses or a work around?


Hi @arrw24 

Good question.

We would need a better understanding with screenshots as to how you configured the Mailchimp webhook and for what event(s).


It’s likely the dataaid] is the Campaign ID, which means you’d have to add another Zap step to find the Campaign Title by the Campaign ID, likely using a Mailchimp API request.



Hi @Troy Tessalone

When I try to look up a campaign, it’s asking for the Campaigns Name, which is not seen in the data output I receive and it finds nothing when I use the “dataid]” field (image below):


I noticed you included a screen shot of “App Extensions (Beta)”, I played around in there, but was still unable to retrieve a name.






Did you use the AI assistant to help configure the Mailchimp API action?


@Troy Tessalone  I did, but got a “Raw request failed”. Screen shots below.

Image 1:


Image 2:


Image 3:



This is the Mailchimp API endpoint to use to get Campaign Info:



@Troy Tessalone I think I’m confused. I’m trying to get a list of emails that a campaign was sent to. Are you saying the Get-Campaign-Info is what I should be using and not the Email-Activity?