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Hey guys,


I’m trying to set up a Zap to send lead info from my form (build in Elementor) to a partner via API. The lead should be send via POST request.


I have no trouble getting the lead info into Zapier, and I’ve filled in all the required fields in Zapier to send the lead info to the partner. However, when I test the Zap, I get the response: 

“The app returned "None".”

With the following explanation:


A field value used in this step is missing, or Zapier is unable to find the information in the app it's trying to connect with. For example, an action step set up to send an email to a contact who submits a form might encounter a 404 error if a contact doesn't include their email address in the form submission.


Check that the information exists in your connected app and that the field values used in this step were mapped correctly.”


However, all required fields are filled in, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here. Anyone who had this before?



To give some more info, I need to post the following:



  "cp_ids": :



  "title": "mr",

  "first_name": "John",

  "last_name": "Doe",

  "street": "Highstreet",

  "city": "New York",

  "house_nr": "1",

  "zip_code": "1234AA",

  "email": "",

  "phone": "0101122334",

  "description": "Description here.",



      "question": "Question one",

      "answer": "Answer one"



  "custom_lead_id": "12345678"



The token for the API needs to be placed in the header.

Hi @dennisve!

Looks like you’ve got a great conversation going with our Support team and they’re helping you out with this! If you have any further questions you can reply to that thread :)