Hi there, i am looking for some further info on how to send files via the post method on webhooks.
Is it possible to add the files onto the ‘Data’ section or am i able to add multiple files to the ‘File’ section?
Here is some additional info that may help;
Case Data
Files passed via the casedata attribute should be of type PDF and base64 encoded.
Signatures passed via the case data attribute should be of type PNG/SVG/JPG and base 64
Example request
"dsarResponse": {
"filename": "example.pdf",
"value": "<Base64 encoded file data>"
"proofOfIdentification": {
"filename": "example.pdf",
"value": "<Base64 encoded file data>"
"proofOfAddress": {
"filename": "example.pdf",
"value": "<Base64 encoded file data>"
I will appreciate all the help provieded!