I’m trying to pass a webhook through a contact form made in PHP. When I set up the trigger and test it, everything works the way it should. However, when I try testing the action, I get the following error:
Failed to create a prospect in WelcomeHome CRM (1.0.3)
code must be None or str, got int
Here’s the code I have set up that converts the form data to a JSON file:
// convert form data to json format
$postArray = array(array("community_id" => $_POST;'community_id'], "id" => $_POST;'id'], "contact_fName" => $_POST;'contact_fName'], "contact_lName" => $_POST;'contact_lName'], "contact_email" => $_POST;'contact_email'], "contact_phone" => $_POST;'contact_phone'], "contact_message" => $_POST;'contact_message'])); //you might need to process any other post fields you have..
$json = json_encode( $postArray,true );
// make sure there were no problems
//if( json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE ){
//exit; // do your error handling here instead of exiting
// }
$file = 'entries.json';
// write to file
// note: _server_ path, NOT "web address (url)"!
file_put_contents( $file, $json);
Someone please help me figure out why it’s not working. Thanks!