Receive file in zapier webhook and transform it in attachment
I need to read a file byte (or a base64 string file) from Zapier webhooks. The file is a property of a json. I need to transform it (or them) in a zapier file field for send it via gmail as attachment.
I read a lot of topics or comments in the web but there is not a clear workaround (here an example)
How can I create this complex zap?
Thank you Andrea
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Hi @Andrea Brunetti
In order for us to have context, post screenshots with how the steps are outlined and configured along with examples of the DATA OUT from the trigger step that you're trying to use.
Hi @Troy Tessalone , thank you for your answer. So, here some context.
I have ha script js script in a website that collects some data in a json and send them to my Zapier Webhook Catch Raw. This json is a little bit complex cause it has objects and array of objets inside. Here an example of this json:
{ "nome_genitore": "vale", "cognome_genitore": "occhi", "data_nascita_genitore": "dat", "cod_fiscale_genitore": "cod", "num_telefono": "num", "email": "mail", "altro_contatto": "", "prezzo_totale": 2575, "prezzo_default": 2900, "socio": false, "figli": { "nome": "andr", "cognome": "brun", "data_nascita": "data", "luogo_nascita": "luogo", "cod_fiscale": "codfis", "residenza": "indirizzo", "allergie": "allerg", "taglia_kit": "XS", "note": "note", "classifica_fit": "", "doc": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAA/QAAAJtCAYAAACYOztdAAAYNGlDQ1BJQ0MgUHJvZmlsZQAAWIWVeQdUFE2zds9GdlmWnHNOkjNIzjlnBJacc0YliiRFEFAEVFBBUMFEEAEVQUQRQQUMiATJqKCCIiD/EPR97/ed899z+5yeeba6urq6qjrUDgCssqSwsCAEFQDBIVERVvpaXA6OTlz ...... ", "settimane": { "id": 23, "tipo": " multisport", "eta": "little", "sport": "", "week_code": "A", "nome": "Settimana A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA A (DAL 10.06 AL 14.06)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 24, "tipo": " multisport", "eta": "little", "sport": "", "week_code": "B", "nome": "Settimana B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA B (DAL 17.06 AL 21.06)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 25, "tipo": " multisport", "eta": "little", "sport": "", "week_code": "C", "nome": "Settimana C - dal 24/06 al 28/06", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA C (DAL 24.06 AL 28.06)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 26, "tipo": " multisport", "eta": "little", "sport": "", "week_code": "D", "nome": "Settimana D - dal 01/07 al 05/07", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA D (DAL 01.07 AL 05.07)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 59, "tipo": "specialistico", "eta": "", "sport": "nuoto", "week_code": "M", "nome": "Settimana M - dal 26/08 al 30/08", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA M (DAL 26.08 AL 30.08)", "prezzo": 260 } ], "extra_bus": { "id": 2, "nome": "Lega Lombarda", "descrizione": "A - dal 10/06 al 14/07", "prezzo": 80, "week_code": "A" }, { "id": 10, "nome": "Lega Lombarda", "descrizione": "C - dal 24/06 al 28/06", "prezzo": 80, "week_code": "C" } ], "extra_inglese": { "id": 1, "nome": "B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "descrizione": "Descrizione settimana inglese", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "B" }, { "id": 2, "nome": "C - dal 24/06 al 28/06", "descrizione": "Descrizione settimana inglese", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "C" } ], "extra_compitiPRE": { "id": 1, "nome": "Compiti PRE", "descrizione": "A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "A" }, { "id": 2, "nome": "Compiti PRE", "descrizione": "B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "B" } ], "extra_compitiPOST": { "id": 1, "nome": "Compiti POST", "descrizione": "A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "A" }, { "id": 2, "nome": "Compiti POST", "descrizione": "B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "B" } ], "prezzo_default": 1640, "prezzo_calcolato": 1419 }, { "nome": "luca", "cognome": "brun", "data_nascita": "data", "luogo_nascita": "luog", "cod_fiscale": "cod", "residenza": "indirizzo", "allergie": "allerg", "taglia_kit": "S", "note": "note", "classifica_fit": "4", "doc": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAA/QAAAJtCAYAAACYOztdAAAYNGlDQ1BJQ0MgUHJvZmlsZQAAWIWVeQdUFE2zds9GdlmWnHNOkjNIzjlnBJacc0YliiRFEFAEVFBBUMFEEAEVQUQRQQUMiATJqKCCIiD/EPR97/ed899z+5yeeba6urq6qjrUDgCssqSwsCAEFQDBIVERVvpaXA6OTlz ...... ", "settimane": { "id": 47, "tipo": "specialistico", "eta": "", "sport": "tennis", "week_code": "A", "nome": "Settimana A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA A (DAL 10.06 AL 14.06)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 48, "tipo": "specialistico", "eta": "", "sport": "tennis", "week_code": "B", "nome": "Settimana B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA B (DAL 17.06 AL 21.06)", "prezzo": 260 }, { "id": 64, "tipo": "specialistico", "eta": "", "sport": "intensivo tennis", "week_code": "C", "nome": "Settimana C - dal 24/06 al 28/06 (Full)", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA C (DAL 24.06 AL 28.06) - Full", "prezzo": 300 }, { "id": 65, "tipo": "specialistico", "eta": "", "sport": "intensivo tennis", "week_code": "D", "nome": "Settimana D - dal 01/07 al 05/07 (Full)", "descrizione": "SETTIMANA D (DAL 01.07 AL 05.07) - Full", "prezzo": 300 } ], "extra_bus": { "id": 7, "nome": "Garibaldi", "descrizione": "B - dal 17/06 al 21/06", "prezzo": 80, "week_code": "B" } ], "extra_inglese": ], "extra_compitiPRE": { "id": 1, "nome": "Compiti PRE", "descrizione": "A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "A" } ], "extra_compitiPOST": { "id": 1, "nome": "Compiti POST", "descrizione": "A - dal 10/06 al 14/06", "prezzo": 30, "week_code": "A" } ], "prezzo_default": 1260, "prezzo_calcolato": 1156 } ] }
With a “Code by Zapier” and Javascript I can read each properties of this json and create a data structure formatted that I use for write down in a gmail.
I need to grab the base64 file that you can see in the json object (data.figlifi].doc) and transform it in a file field that I can attach in the gmail (the last step of my zap).
So, the Zap is: - webhook - code - gmail
How can I decode file from base64 and transform it in “Zapier File Field” and to be able to attach it in my gmail? Can you help me?
Thank you Andrea
@Andrea Brunetti
Have you tried asking ChatGPT for help about how to convert the doc to a file for possible guidance with the Code?
Yes, if I try to convert the file, Zapier not respond, it is very slow. Here the code that I used for test the conversion:
//mapping oggetto json ricevuto let data = JSON.parse(;
//estrazione dei dati data_format.nome_genitore = data.nome_genitore;
// Decodifica il file Base64 in un buffer const fileBuffer = Buffer.from(data.figlii0].doc, 'base64');
// Crea un oggetto di tipo File per Zapier const file = { name: 'file1.png', // Specifica il nome del file file: fileBuffer // Passa il buffer del file };
return data_format;
Every now and then Zapier manages to respond and creates an array of bytes, but by inserting these as attachments to the email, Zapier sends the attachment as if it were text. I think it is not transformed into the File Field type of zapier. How can I convert it to this type?
Hi @Troy Tessalone , thank you for sharing these articles. I think that I need something like “How to Hydrate a Fiel with a GET Request”. The output obtained is exactly what i need! Because in the next step I need to attach these files to my gmail.
The problem is that I don’t have an url to retrive the file, but I have the base64 file already in my json (in my POST webhook).
Perhaps the only way to build this backend process is to split data loading from file loading. I could make a call to a webhook that saves the file to gdrive, get the url of the file and include it in my json for the next webhook post.
The problem at this point would be to retrive the url file in gdrive, because webhooks (if I'm not mistaken) does not give the possibility of replying with a custom http response.
Do you have other ideas?
Thank you very much Andrea
I have tried to create an async process (like described before). I have create a zap that receive a multipart/form-data post with a single file and update it in gdrive.
Then I've tried to modify my first zap for accepting json data (without base64 file, but with the unique id that i used as part of filename in the previous zap). If I search the file in gdrive, i find it. This works if I upload a single file, but if I upload 2 file with unique id in the filename, gdrive find only the last, then I can attach at the mail only one file.
Probably, Zapier can't manage this particular process. Multiple data and file, can't be managed in a single zap.
@Andrea Brunetti
It would likely involve a Code step to handle the Base64 data conversion.