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I’ve been browsing around for support and found this article: 

I’d love to reopen this discussion as the post has since been closed. I’m experience this issue as well but having no luck with the offered solution. The webhook data comes in like so:



   Data Name: ABC

   Data Value: 123

   Data Name: XYZ

   Data Value: 456


When I go to use these values later on in the zap, they appear like this:

Data Name: ABC, XYZ, etc.

Data Value: 123, 456, etc.


I tried the solution in the article linked above but it just returns ABC, XYZ *** 123, 456 instead of pairing the values back together as shown in the article solution example. I can’t utilize this data without pairing and splitting them into lines. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi @ETimm 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how the DATA is returned from the Zap step.

Check this related guide:


For sure!


When the initial webhook request is put through, the following data returns:

When I go to the next zap step to try and use the data from my webhook, it looks like this: (the field/key/catagory options shown below and the value option looks identical but not included in screenshot.)


When I try to do any sort of formatting (text to line item, line item to text, or split text) it gives me every single item in a list, no longer paired:


However, even after this, if I try and go to use the formatted data, it’s back to one text array again:


So even when I tried to just convert the text to line items without pairing, I still couldn’t even get individual inputs.


I’d love to maintain the pairing as line items to use in later steps and filters, but at minimum at least have the values as separate inputs I can use. Any help would be appreciated!


Did you try the solution in the suggested resource?

Check this related guide:


I tried the example but it just returns one big combined paragraph with no pairing. 




The help guide indicates you need to use 2 Zap steps:

  • Formatter
  • Code

The guide gets a certain data output before it runs the code though. In the guide, the question and answer text get paired together by the formatter before they are coded. I have not been able to replicate the first output needed to then set up the code


For us to have more info, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode so we can see the field mappings.


I’ve been browsing around for support and found this article: 


I’d love to reopen this discussion as the post has since been closed. I’m experience this issue as well but having no luck with the offered solution. The webhook data comes in like so:



   Data Name: ABC

   Data Value: 123

   Data Name: XYZ

   Data Value: 456


When I go to use these values later on in the zap, they appear like this:

Data Name: ABC, XYZ, etc.

Data Value: 123, 456, etc.


I tried the solution in the article linked above but it just returns ABC, XYZ *** 123, 456 instead of pairing the values back together as shown in the article solution example. I can’t utilize this data without pairing and splitting them into lines. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Great and informative


I’ve been browsing around for support and found this article: 


I’d love to reopen this discussion as the post has since been closed. I’m experience this issue as well but having no luck with the offered solution. The webhook data comes in like so:



   Data Name: ABC

   Data Value: 123

   Data Name: XYZ

   Data Value: 456


When I go to use these values later on in the zap, they appear like this:

Data Name: ABC, XYZ, etc.

Data Value: 123, 456, etc.


I tried the solution in the article linked above but it just returns ABC, XYZ *** 123, 456 instead of pairing the values back together as shown in the article solution example. I can’t utilize this data without pairing and splitting them into lines. 

Any help would be appreciated.


Great and informative


Here’s the overall zap so far: 



We catch a webhook from our recruitment system, receiving the following data:


Then we use the ID obtained from step 1, to GET additional information about a job requisition: 

The request returns this data: 


When I go to the next zap step to try and use the data from my webhook, it looks like this: (the field/key/catagory options shown below and the value option looks identical but not included in screenshot.)


So I then try to use the formatter: 

Which gives me the following output: 

It does not produce the paired values show in the example that are then put into the code.


Is there a support person I can jump on a call with?


From the guide, there needs to be a Code step after the Formatter step to generate the key/value pairs as individual variables.

You’re not quite understanding me here. The Utilities step does not produce the initial format that the code needs to produce the key/value pairs as individual variables. 


If I input the data in the form produced by the Formatter step, I just get this: 




In the example you’ve referred me to many times, the formatter takes the separate questions field and answers field somehow consolidates them.  

Input: Questions in red; Answers in green


Output: specifically the final text output: Questions followed by answers, separated by semi colons


When I use identical formatting rules I get this output: 

All the fields are listed first and then all the values afterwards.



Issue with the Formatter output may be related to nested arrays in the webhook data payload.

The previously shared screenshots don’t show the full webhook payload data structure for us to be able to tell if the arrays are nested.

You may have to use a Code step to handle the webhook data payload to properly parse/prep the desired data points.



Change the Zap trigger to: Webhook - Catch Raw Hook

Then use a Code step:

You can try asking ChatGPT for help with the code OR use the AI feature within the Zap Code step:



This is not the correct variable to map.


Guide shows this variable.


ok thanks, here’s a screenshot of the top of the data output. 


To clarify, I’m trying to reformat the data from the second webhook, the GET request. I tried using a custom request there but get the same output as a standard GET request


I tried updating the variable to the one you screenshotted and received the same results


This screenshots shows nested arrays.

The “fields” are an array within the “data__1” array.

That is why the nested arrays are getting flattened into a string when used in the Formatter step.

Generally handling nested arrays involves an advanced approach to get the RAW JSON, then parse/prep with custom Code.

