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Hey guys,

I want to use Zapier to connect with CopeCart (is like clickbank, DigiStore24, etc.). I have several products, which I want to have connected to my e-mail marketing tool and add a tag, if a product have been sold.

Actually I have 5 products and created for each product a zap. But, I guess this can be done easier, because I want to have all the sales in a google sheet, to track, which VSL and LP has sold how many products, etc.

Usually the plattform should have this things integrated, but here it is not the case and I have to solve it with Zapier.

So, is there a possbility, to use for all the zaps with products and google sheet zap, the same Zapier URL? So I have ONE Zapier IPN integration in the reseller plattform?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @EugenG 

Try this:


Make sure to add a Filter as step 2 in your Zaps.


Optional: Trigger multiple Zaps with webhooks

If you have multiple webhooks you want to trigger from the same event in your app, you can combine their URLs into a single URL. For example, if you have three Zaps, the URLs would look like this:

You can take the last part of each URLs and combine them into a single URL like this:,kzXC4,2Ajjn

Requests sent to this URL will trigger all three webhook URLs at once.

miscEye icon Note

Combining webhooks only works for webhooks that are owned by the same user. If you're using multi-user accounts (Zapier for Teams and Zapier for Companies), ensure that all webhooks belong to the same user. You can see the user ID in the URL of the webhook, after /catch/.
