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I have several zaps that use the Webhooks action to send Monday API POST requests. These steps have suddenly started failing as of this morning. The error is “internal server error”.

Below is a screenshot of the most simple request that is failing with Zapier. I have also tried this request using the Monday API Request (Beta) action.

This exact same request succeeds when sent via Postman, so I suspect it’s something with Zapier but the only issue on the status page is with Facebook Ad hydration errors. 

And it doesn’t seem to be an issue with escaping query values as the responses on another recent forum post suggests.



I have been having this same issue. I am currently talking to higher level support for to confirm it’s not on their end. My feeling is that it’s likely a Zapier issue, or started blocking Zapier requests through this method a couple days ago. I will let you know if support helps me. Please reply if you happen to hear something from Zapier. @Beeen 

Hi @Meatbagz 

Keep us updated.

Same here, “502 Bad Gateway” 😐

The dev team for seems to be looking at this now and I have linked them to this thread. I think we will know shortly if this is something can fix or if it is a Zapier issue.

Thanks for the update @Meatbagz 

@Meatbagz @Troy Tessalone @Beeen any news ?

Still broken for me 😐

@Jdargnies Nothing new on my side. I’ve had to make some adjustments to my zaps that make them much less efficient but hopefully temporary.

Sorry @Jdargnies @Beeen ‘Shortly’ is maybe relative. I have been having this issue since Monday. The team has not gotten back to me after my last response where I provided multiple logs. That was ~14 hours ago. Has anyone been working on this with the Zapier tech support team? It would be best to press from both sides.

Also @Beeen are your zaps similar to the exemplar API Request you used in the original post? I often use this function to search names and return item ID’s, because I have not found any other way to do that, since the name (far left column) is not a real column. Would be curious about your ‘less efficient’ solution to this, because my department depends on a lot of non-functional Zaps right now! Ha.

thanks for the response @Meatbagz and @Beeen !

I contacted the Zapier assistant yesterday but no response yet.

@Beeen If you have a workaround to contact the monday API, I'm interested ! :)



@Meatbagz I use the one in my example to search for an item that should exist on 1 of 3 boards that all serve similar purposes so they have mostly the same structure. I don’t think there’s a Monday action like that, but the API lets me grab the board ID and then use that value on all following steps. So instead, I’m just checking each board if the item exists. I’m the only one on my team as of right now, so it’ll do for now. 😞

I have other API steps that are more complicated and I don’t have a workaround yet. Mainly have to do with connecting/overwriting multiple items in a single linked board column, which I also don’t think is possible with the default Monday actions. 

On 10/25, tech support put together a report for the dev team, who will take a look at this. I will post again when I hear anything… 


Still broken on my side!

Thanks @Meatbagz , still broken for me too 😑

I have the same issue when creating subitems from Zapier. The Zap has been working fine for a long time, but suddenly got 500 errors. I have a support request with Monday and they have informed me the following:

it appears that the issue may be related to our recent migration to a Federated API architecture for users implicitly using the 2024-10 API version (without providing an API-Version header).”

We get the calls to work from Postman, if we add the header API-version : 2024-10 and use the GraphQL option for the request like this:

I notice that Postman downloads a schema when I tick the GraphQL option, so maybe that is what is missing in my request from Zapier?

Work for me with 'API-Version' : '2024-07’ header

Not working with 'API-Version' : '2024-10’ header

@AndreasGigafib Welcome to the team… I definitely think you are onto something with the API version..


@Jdargnies Are you saying your Zapier API Requests are now working with this header change? I am still getting 500 errors. A small example would be helpful, this is not my strong suit.




Info about Monday API versioning:

OK, I actually just got this to work for me.


To be clear - I am an amateur at best when it comes to API Requests…

Technically, my HTTP Method should have been GET since I have only been pulling data. It was POST. I changed the method to GET. I added the API-Version to additional headers. This threw a cross-site tracking error and asked for the content type. I added the content-type and now the Request works.

Probably dumb luck, but see below.






A great resource for helping with API requests is ChatGPT.

Tried adding the API-Version 2024-07 header and that did the trick for me. It works with the simplest API requests I’m using at least, so I’ll report back if I’m struggling with any of the others. 

Thanks, @AndreasGigafib . Not sure what’s going on with your Postman, I’ve only gotten the errors on Zapier.

@Meatbagz That’s interesting about the GET method working. Monday’s API docs say to always use POST so I never thought to try that. But if it works, it works. 😁 Still have some zaps to update so this might come in handy. Thanks.

Work for me with 'API-Version' : '2024-07’ header

Not working with 'API-Version' : '2024-10’ header

I got it working when i also added the header Content-Type application/json
