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Jotform questionnaire & ChatGPT (create webhook to display results back into Jotform?)

  • 22 April 2023
  • 1 reply

Good morning, 

I created a basic Jotform tool that helps to pulls one’s identity and values to create a purpose statement. 

I was able to connect Jotform to ChatGPT to create a purpose statement (from the user’s answers from the Jotform) with the result displaying in a Google Sheet. 

However, I’d like to pull that purpose statement from the Google Sheet back into the last slide of the Jotform questionnaire >

I was trying to find an answer online. I saw someone created two Zaps: “POST” and “Receive JSON - Catch.”

If I’m on the right track, I would assume you’d copy the URL from the “Receive JSON - Catch” (using a “Catch Hook” event) zap to paste it into “POST?”

I’ve completely confused myself 😅

Thank you!

Hi @sabres 

Thanks for reaching out to the Community!

Based on how you’ve explained the situation, it looks you’re on the right path.

Here are some resources that may be helpful:

Hopefully this helps!