Jira web-hook is successful however Zappier says "No request found"
Hi friends,
Hope you are good!
I am really stuck with this one thing for last 2-3 days. Could someone please help?
I tried creating a webhook on Jira with Custom data and ran this request. (screenshot 1)
The issue is I am trying to send this to Zappier using this Webhook; The Jira auditlog says webhook is successful however I am not receiving any data on Zappier
Test run returns nothing on Zappier.
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Good question.
Can you post a screenshot of the Jira Audit Log for the request?
Header doesn’t look correct and also isn’t required to send data to a Zap webhook.
Hi @Troy Tessalone
Thanks for the quick response. Really appreciate. Let me try without the headers.
It contain information such as issue summary, issue ID but let me try without it and confirm if this worked
Hi @Troy Tessalone It is the same issue even after removing the headers. Not sure - what could be an issue here. Could you please help?
Good question.
Can you post a screenshot of the Jira Audit Log for the request?
Here is the Audit log @Troy Tessalone
That shows the request was successfully sent from Jira.
But it doesn’t show the response back from Zapier, which may not be a success.
That would look something like this:
Hi @Troy Tessalone
Yes it is success on Jira but Zappier says “Does not receive any request” on test trigger. What else could be the issue here? I am unable to identify and have been stuck for a while
It’s likely how the POST request is configured in JIRA.
It’s likely how the POST request is configured in JIRA.
We’d need to see updated screenshots.
Hi @Troy Tessalone Not very sure if I understood this part.
Which screenshot do we need to check specifically now?
And thanks for “duplication” flag however there was no duplication on Zappier
If you’ve made changes to how the POST request is configured in Jira and are still encountering issues, then we’d need to see updated screenshots with how the POST request is configured in Jira.
Hi @Troy Tessalone This is the POST data
I am trying to extract 4 things from the issue:
1/ Issue key
2/ Issue summary
3/ Requester email ID
4/ “Assigned Designer” ID
The purpose is to ultimately use this information and create a slack channel using Zappier automations on slack by searching the “assigned designer” and “requester” by parsing their Email IDs
Do you find any issue here? on the Custom Data ?
What other options do you have?
Hi @Troy Tessalone
I created a web-hook using “Issue data (automation format)” and this worked for me - which is weird. However,
for next steps:
1/ I need to create a channel in slack using “Issue key” & “Summary” - This worked too below:
2/ I want to actually invite the “reporter” and “assigned designer” to this slack channel and send automated text on this slack channel for both of them
Next steps - I need your help on:
How do I automatically add users to this slack channel. Users to be added are “Assigned Designer” context field people on Jira & “Reporter”
Sending slack text would be easy. Could you just help with this part?
Thanks a lot for your replies. I truly appreciate the help
You will need to use a Zap step for Slack to Find User, then Invite User to Channel.
You will need to map the internal Slack Chanel ID that was created between the Zap steps.
Hi @Troy Tessalone Thanks a lot. I tried this however still face following issue:
I am trying to do the following: 1/ Create slack channel based with name issue key & summary (Done) 2/ Invite "assigned designer", "creator" and "reporter" of the particular request to slack channel - screenshot 1
Issue: "Reporter" and "Creator" have email IDs however the "Assigned designer" just have display name (custom field 28530 - Martyna in screenshot)
3/ Invite the users in step 2/ to the created channel in step 1/ - screenshot 2
Issue: On test run, it says - "channel does not exist" however it does probably I am already a part of that channel & I don’t have designers ID to test run this so cant figure out really - why it says so
Try adding a Jira Find User step.
The email field expects 1 email address.
You will either have to use a series of steps to invite each user.