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Hey there! I have no idea what I'm doing wrong when trying to send a webhook to Airtable. I've tried this in Postman and it works perfectly, but I just keep getting the following error when I send via Zapier - Can anyone help?

Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 11.23.45.pngPostman cURL

Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 11.27.42.pngZapier set up

Screenshot 2020-01-29 at 11.31.07.pngScreenshot 2020-01-29 at 11.32.28.pngAny help would be amazing! I can't troubleshoot what Zapier are sending in the console, sadly

Hi @Saastronomical

I've just flagged this for escalation to Zapier support. They have access to console logs and should be able to help you out here. Someone from support will probably contact you soon.

@Saastronomical when you hear back from our support team, if you wouldn't mind posting the solution back to this thread and marking it as a "Selected Answer", that will help others who are running into similar issues. Please and thank you in advance!

Sadly neither Zapier's team or Airtable's support team can help.

Going to go another route. will post my solution here.

Hey everyone - I solved it. It looks like Zapier was consuming the first curly bracket in the JSON I was sending via webhook, so it was ultimately formatting the request incorrectly.

Solved by adding another curly bracket, and adding a space before the inserted value, and another space and a curly bracket.

'{ <value> }'