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Integration between Access Group Charity and calling an API GraphQL by CURL command

  • 25 August 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi Zapier Community, 

I’m new. I’m looking for if it’s possible to do an integration.


  1. I created a form in Access Group Charity platform and they offer Zapier for integration. 
  2. The data capturated in the form should be sent to an API GraphQL that only works with CURL command.
  3. I tried to contact Access Group Support to get Zapier, but they had never answered


  1. Is possible to make that kind of integration?
  2. How can I do this integration without Access Group Support?

Thanks for your support and help!! 

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @brenda.j.torres 

Good question.

App APIs can be used in Zaps with these apps:

Available Zap triggers/actions for Access Charity Websites: