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Integrating 2 wordpress plugins using webhooks

  • 14 March 2023
  • 1 reply

So I have 2 Wordpress Plugins that don’t integrate natively to each other.  I am using fluent CRM and Ultimate Membership Pro.  Both plugins can integrate with zapier using webhooks.  I am new to all of this and am finding it overwhelming, to say the least. I need to create webhooks to get these 2 plugins to talk to each other.  I want the info that is entered into the register form ( membership plugin) to go to Fluent CRM.  Is there anyone that can help?  Thanks.

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1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi there @BobB!

Webhooks can be tricky if you haven’t used them before. The first place to start is the API documentation for the apps:
FluentCRM API documentation
Ultimate member pro documentation

That will tell you how each app expects to receive information/which commands to send. 


If you’re using webhooks, you might find that you can have the apps talk directly to each other (ie without using Zapier) - it might be worth looking for some information from WordPress or contacting the plugin’s support teams to see if that’s possible. 


If you decide to use Zapier as a go-between for the apps because you find it easier that way, a good place to ask your question is in the Code and webhooks category, as the folks there have more experience with this kind of thing. 


Finally, if you’d like to hire someone to help with this project, the Zapier Experts directory lists trusted third parties that you can work with. 


I hope that helps!