Hi @Bobonez
Good question.
If you need help consider hiring a Certified Zapier Expert : https://zapier.com/experts/automation-ace
There is no DeepL Zap app: https://zapier.com/apps
You may be able to use the Webhooks app as an action step with the DeepL API .
Hi @Bobonez ! Welcome to the Zapier Community!
Here is what I would recommend for you:
Setting Up Airtable
Be sure you have a “Last Modified Time” field. You can make it hidden if you don’t want to see it. Add a “Ready to Translate?” checkbox field that you will check off, naturally, once an item is ready to translate. Create a view named “Needs Translating” with the following filters: {{text_to_be_translated}} is not empty and {{translated_text}} is empty and Ready to Translate? is Zapier Trigger
App: Airtable
Event: New or Updated Record
Base: {{your_database}}
Table: {{your_table}}
Which timestamp field should this Zap...: Last Time Modified
Limit to View: Needs Translating
Zapier Action
App: Webhooks by Zapier
Event: POST
URL: https://api-free.deepl.com/v2/translate
Payload Type: form
text Dynamically pull in {{text_to_be_translated}} from trigger step target_lang {{two character language (like FR for French or DE for German)}} Wrap Request in Array: No
Unflatten: Yes
Authorization DeepL-Auth-Key {{your_authorization_key_goes_here (you can find this in your account settings)}} Zapier Action
App: Airtable
Event: Update Record
Base: {{your_database}}
Table: {{your_table}}
Record: Dynamically pull in {{record_id}} from trigger step
{{translated_text}}: Dynamically pull in {{translations_text}} from previous action Here is a quick video walking you through this setup as well :)https://www.loom.com/share/21cfa5ce6dd44367b4ccdf39b0031448 Let me know if you still have any questions!!
Thank you very much! You saved me hours of work! The solution works perfectly!
@Bobonez Happy to help! Glad the solution worked for you!