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So I have 2 Wordpress Plugins that don’t integrate natively to each other.  I am using fluent CRM and Ultimate Membership Pro.  Both plugins can integrate with zapier using webhooks.  I am new to all of this and am finding it overwhelming, to say the least. I need to create webhooks to get these 2 plugins to talk to each other.  I want the info that is entered into the register form ( membership plugin) to go to Fluent CRM.  Is there anyone that can help?  Thanks.

Hi @BobB 

Good question.

You’ll need to rely on the documentation provided by each plugin for how to configure getting data out/in for each.


The Zap trigger would be Webhooks - Catch Hook, which will generate a unique webhook URL to use in the plugin.

The Zap trigger would be Webhooks - POST (most likely)


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