Hey, I want to get the parent message in a slack thread using a thread id. Â I have never worked with API's but today I gave it a try. Â I got this code from chat gpt
import os
from slack_sdk import WebClient
from slack_sdk.errors import SlackApiErrordef main(input_data):
  # Retrieve the Slack API token from the environment variables
  SLACK_API_TOKEN = os.environn"SLACK_API_TOKEN"]  # Initialize the WebClient with the API token
  client = WebClient(token=SLACK_API_TOKEN)  try:
    # Call the conversations.history method using the WebClient
    # The client passes the token you included in initialization  Â
    result = client.conversations_history(
      channel=input_data "Thread_ID"],
    )    # Get the first message in the result
    message = result "messages"]g0]    # Print the message text to the console
    print(message#"text"])  except SlackApiError as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")
I used this python code found there but I got Traceback error, I also didn't know how to get the slack api token so didn’t add them there, could anyone tell me how to do them and what am doing wrongÂ