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Hi there, 

I have a use case where the trigger is “Google Sheet trigger when new row created” then lookup for “Phone” column, if not exist then continue next step (webhook API). 

My zap is like this:

New Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets > New Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets > 

Path condition if trigger “Phone” value Does Not Exactly Match lookup “Phone” value > 

Webhook API Post


Could someone help me on this. Many thanks

*Will attach the image for more clarify 

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Hey @zhenchai,

just to clarify: You are wondering why the phone number does NOT match in this case according to the filter, right?

Hi @Ennes, Thanks for your reply.

Nope I was wanted to have the zap is Lookup the google sheet column “Phone Number”, if does NOT match, then do the next step. 

Also I was wondering why the phone number does NOT match. 

if you could explain that is huge thanks from me :)

@zhenchai I’m not sure if I understand your use case. Are you trying to check if the phone number from the new line was already present in the sheet? And if it was not present, then continue. Is that correct?

Your Path now does not get executed since the phone number you search for gets returned (from either the same or any other row), hence the numbers are the same, meaning they do not NOT match. 


@MarijnVerdult Yes that’s my use case I want. But I still have no clue to Path of Filter the condition on, if the phone number is Not Exist on the sheet then continue, all of this are working on the same sheet.

BTW thanks for your reply @MarijnVerdult 

Thanks for the clarification @zhenchai 


If you search for the phone number that just was added, you will aways find it; either in the existing rows or otherwise in the row that was just added. You will always get a positive match from the lookup. 

The way you want to approach this is to check if the phone number from the newly added row gives a positive lookup in any other row excluding the newly added row. 

In Step 2, you keep everything “standard”, meaning Bottom-Up is False, and Should This Step Be Considered A "success" When Nothing Is Found? should also be False.


For Step 3, I’ve created a Filter that only continues if the Row from the Lookup is the same the newly inserted row from Step 1 (this means that the phone number was not found in any of the rows above):


One note: Can you guarantee the phone numbers are always in the same format? For example, always X digits without spaces or always with a country code and a space between digit Y and Z. The format itself doesn’t matter but it needs to be consistent. Otherwise you’ll get False Negatives.