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I am trying to get value from a webhook. Any help would be appreciated!

Country code gets submitted from WooCommerce (US,GB,CA, etc) - Then I have list like this from a 3rd party service:


I need matching id # to the country code so I can use it in later steps. 

So based on iso-31661-a2 (which I get from step 1) I want to get id.

So if iso-3166-1a2 = AT, id is 2. How can I get ids by having iso-3166-1-a2 (country code) value?

Thank you!

Hi @dgeg 

Good question.

Check out this related topic:


Hey @Troy Tessalone , 

Thanks for the link. That method is quite useful, but it can only filter items that I have value for already. I can’t find a value of another property based on it (which is my main challenge)



Perhaps this help topic will be of use:


@Troy Tessalone  

That did the trick! Thank you!