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Facebook / Instagram - Custom Response Required for Webhook to get Story Insights

  • 12 January 2023
  • 3 replies


I am trying to set up a webhook from Instagram that will carry “story_insight”.  Since I already have zapier I was hoping to be able to leverage the system. I set up a zap where I can receive a webhook.  Facebook expects that we can process 2 different types of webhooks, one is a verification and the other in my case is “story_insights”.  

I am running into an issue with the Verification setup.  It appears that FB webhooks expect me to respond back with a couple fields… one my own personally set key. The other is a challenge “int”.  I can receive the request, however, I am not sure how to get this information back in the response.  Please advise. 


It would be very cool to be able to access this feature of IG / FB webhooks - hopefully someone has an idea.  

Originally I got the request, then was going to setup a path one for verifications and the other for stories… but I’m pretty sure this won’t work due to the response that Zapier originally gives to the GET request from IG. If it is possible to accomplish any of this through code that would be fine as well. 



Kelsey and Michael


Hi @kwonder 

Good question.

You’d likely need to use a different app that can better handle webhook signatures.

Why Is It Always 200 or Success Status? Can I customize the response?

For High Availability and High Throughput reasons - we always return a success message with a payload of debugging information when collecting a webhook - regardless of whether there is a Zap behind the webhook or if it is paused or not. The only way to know if a URL is live is to visit the editor and look at the URL (which never changes for a Zap). There is no way to customize the response to the request you send to the Catch Hook URL, as the response is sent before the Zap triggers and runs on the webhook request.

Hey Troy, 

That makes sense - it would be a nice feature to have some control over some initial responses.  It is a little deflating that such a premium $ product can’t do this since it would be great to be able to piggy back off all the security and certificate work that zap has already - are there any free services you know of that could accomplish such a feat with decent availability and appropriate signed certificates? 


I’ve submitted this type of feature request a while ago.

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