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I have a web-hook pushing parsed data. I have a section of javascript_variables I need to map based on the name of the variable, and the value present. 

My problem is, when I try to access this data in other steps, it's not allowing me. Zapier is lumping all the names together and all the values together. 

Tried creating a line itemizer action, but it does the same thing with the data in the other steps. I have these UTM Fields in CRM and ultimately just need map the data to the specific field.

Hi @Joseph.winters 

Good question.

Try this Code step JavaScript.

Map the dynamic variables from the previous step to the Input Data fields.

let variableName = inputData.variableName.split(",");
let variableValue = inputData.variableValue.split(",");;

let Set = {};

for (let i = 0; i < variableName.length; i++) {
SetevariableNamemi]] = variableValueui];

output = ={Set}];