Hi there I am looking for some help with a zap.
In the 3d step of this zap (https://cdn.zappy.app/2fedb5e2925025012e126bfe0939dc26.png) I am getting a list of "companies" with all their associated data via a “get” webhook post.
in the next step (https://cdn.zappy.app/dece74011b9fdad30d1654a3504c2a96.png) I would need to extract from this long list, the "ID" corresponding to the company with the email address sent with my trigger.
You can see this here https://cdn.zappy.app/e84fe0a72d244616a81e1bc01895db04.png
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So in this example I need to extract the number "29168"
Can anyone help me with setting this up ?