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Create an API key for Zapier in Zenoti

  • 4 December 2023
  • 4 replies

I’m trying to generate an API key for Zapier in Zenoti so I can use Zapier’s Webhooks to send API requests to Zenoti via Zapier Webhooks. Zenoti requires a URI from Zapier to create the API key, where can I find the URI? I’ve seen Zapier provide its URIs for specific apps like Mc Professional and Gitlab:

Zapier’s URI for Mc Professional
Zapier’s URI for GitLab

But I haven’t seen found a Zapier URI that I can use to make an API key in Zenoti. Here is the information required to make an API key in Zenoti: 

Zenoti’s API key generation fields

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Hi @SageS 

Good question.

Zenoti API docs to reference:

@Troy Tessalone I appreciate that, but I don’t think that’s quite what I’m looking for. I’ve been referencing the Zenoti Docs to create the API key and I’m at step 3b here, needing the URI from Zapier:

Zenoti API key generation doc



Try putting your own website address.

@Troy Tessalone That worked! Thank you!