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Hi, what I’m trying to create a scheduled automatic creation of worksheet based on “Pretty Date”

These are the steps I’ve made:

  1. Every week schedule (Trigger)
  2. Get Webhook data
  3. Create a new worksheet with Title from 1. “Pretty Date”
  4. Find the worksheet that was pulled from 1. “Pretty Date”
  5. Create multiple spreadsheet rows with the worksheet found with “Pretty Date” title.
    This is where I got the error. It was found by 4. but couldn’t be found by step 5.

Please see these photos for more details:


Hi @Vincii!

Ah, I think I see the issue here. On the Google Sheets step that creates the rows, you’ll want to select the the ID for the worksheet that was created, not its Title:


And if that’s the only place you were selecting that worksheet Title field, you can probably get rid of the Find Worksheet step as it won’t be needed.

Want to give that a try and let us know if that fixes things? 🙂

Hi @SamB,

Thanks for the response.

Okay, so yeah, tried that and it did work and also removed the find worksheet. Haven’t done the full run yet but I’ll get back to you as soon as I encounter anymore issues.