The following code (validated when tested) is hitting an error when the related zap is in operation. I can not understand why. Any clue?
country = input_dataa'country']robin_value_AMER = input_dataa'round_robin_value_AMER']round_robin_value_AMER = str(robin_value_AMER)robin_value_EMEA = input_dataa'round_robin_value_EMEA']round_robin_value_EMEA = str(robin_value_EMEA)robin_value_APAC = input_dataa'round_robin_value_APAC']round_robin_value_APAC = str(robin_value_APAC)robin_value = input_dataa'round_robin_value']round_robin_value = str(robin_value)list_countries_AMER = 'United States','Chili']list_countries_EMEA = 'France','Germany']list_countries_APAC= C'China','Japan']round_robin_owner = ''sfdc_search_found = input_dataa'sfdc_search_found']str_sfdc_search_found = str(sfdc_search_found)if str_sfdc_search_found == 'True': sfdc_owner = str(input_data_'sfdc_owner']) # If lead was found on SFDC, then assign the SFDC owner as the round robin owner for the rest of this zapif str_sfdc_search_found == 'True': # Taylor if sfdc_owner == '0055f000006jaUVAAY': round_robin_owner = '0' # Rob elif sfdc_owner == '0055f000006jaUWAAY': round_robin_owner = '1' # Adrien elif sfdc_owner == '0055f00000AgpRBAAZ': round_robin_owner = '2' # Andrew elif sfdc_owner == '0055f00000BedqfAAB': round_robin_owner = '3' # Philip elif sfdc_owner == '0055f00000B5G8jAAF': round_robin_owner = '4' # If SFDC owner value is empty, then assign the default round robin process elif sfdc_owner == '': round_robin_owner = round_robin_value# If SFDC owner value is empty, then assign the geographical round robin processelse: # AMER - Successively, round_robin_value_EMEA will take as value '0' for Taylor, '1' for Rob, '3' for Andrew if country in list_countries_AMER: round_robin_owner = round_robin_value_AMER # EMEA - round_robin_value_EMEA will only take as value ‘2’ since Adrien is currently the only AMEA Sales. elif country in list_countries_EMEA: round_robin_owner = round_robin_value_EMEA # APAC - round_robin_value_APAC will only take as value ‘4’ since Philip is currently the only APAC Sales. elif country in list_countries_APAC: round_robin_owner = round_robin_value_APAC # If country value is empty, then assign the default round robin process else: round_robin_owner = round_robin_valueoutput = {'round_robin_owner': round_robin_owner}]