Hey @ryanscott. hope you’re well, I just wanted to check in here!
For this specific case, changing the connected account dynamically would require us to change the way zaps authenticate.
The main blocker I can think of here is that the connected account is validated when the zap is first turned on and periodically based on the time the account connection expires.
The issue is that if we change the connected account dynamically, the amount of requests we have to send to the app’s authentication endpoint in their API increases. We would effectively have to poll the auth endpoint for validation every time the account changes instead of once at the start and once when the token expires.
This would increase the number of auth polls exponentially and could lead to a rate limit from that app’s API due to too many requests.
If that happens, the effected account connection would expire and no longer be functional until it was manually reconnected once the app’s rate limiting expires. This particular rate limit would be on the app side and not on Zapier’s side, so it wouldn’t be something we could adjust dynamically and would likely result in more effort from the user end than setting up one zap or one action per connected account.