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So currently, we are trying to make a zap for a Kisi code to be sent to visitors that register with us then AndCards (POLARIS BHM). It requires us to use a generated API key for the Kisi Login but every time we put in the API Key, it says there is an error, and it cannot be accepted.

We have tried multiple different keys, putting the prefix “KISI-LOGIN” and none of it is working to log us in.

What can we do to get past this step in the process of creating the zap?



Good question.

Try using a new different private browser.

Make sure to be logged in to the app in the same browser sessions before trying to authenticate the app with Zapier.


Kisi help article to reference:


Are you prefixing the API key with “KISI-LOGIN “ including the space after the N there? I.e., if your API key is ABC then you’d enter “KISI-LOGIN ABC”.
