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I am trying to know if Zapier will allow to build custom API where request comes in to the API. The API does some work and responds to another or same call? Basically trying to create a middle layer for two platforms. And also trying to create a standalone App that works like a deamonl; running request calls from one platform and delivers the reponse to another.




Sameer Jaffer

Hi ​@sijaffer, I hope you're doing well!


To make sure we’re pointing you in the right direction, would you be looking for an endpoint to send data to, and then be able to send that data to another endpoint?


Zapier supports webhooks, which allow you to send and receive HTTP requests. You can use webhooks to trigger Zaps from external systems or send data to external systems. This can act as a form of communication between systems, but it's not a full API development environment.


Here’s a great resource that can provide some further insights on how to use webhooks in Zapier:


Hope this helps 😊

Hi ​@sijaffer 

Resources for using app APIs in Zaps:




Thanks for your responses. But I'm looking to host two functions. function 1 goes out to platform A to get an access token and this particular process runs every 24 hours. It stores the token and some variable where another process; Function 2, uses the token and runs to platform A every 30 minutes and whatever the response comes back from that process 2 is sent  to another end point (platform 😎.

I know I'm looking for a custom app not an API, but I'm looking for a place where I don't have to create the whole environment to do that I've heard of Amazon lambda and Azure functions,  does Zapier provide a space to build custom apps that run standalone in this manner?


Perhaps check out Zapier Functions, which is newer for pro-code:



Zaps can be configured with trigger + action steps to use app APIs in steps.


Zap apps can be searched here:

Each Zap app has a profile page that lists the available triggers/actions and help links.

That will help you get a gist of what should be possible to configure with each Zap app.


Zap Apps


Custom app integrations can be created using the Zapier Developer Platform:


Many of the above Zap apps are outlined in the resource for using app APIs in Zaps.

