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Hi, first time post and a noob to API calls using Zaps and I’ve hit a wall, would appreciate any assisting please.

The Get URL I’m trying to run is:$filter=(displayName) eq 'Clients'

It’s getting cut down to only be the following when I test the Zap:

and the result is a list of all the child folders, not just the folder I’m trying to filter on.

Not sure how I should be formatting this request?

(I know it works as I’m also testing the same Get request, using Graph Explorer over at and I’m getting the correct results)

Hey there, @Navig8!  Thanks for reaching out in community. 🤗

Hmm, when it returns all the child folders does it also return the folder ID for “Clients”? If so we may need to use that in the request instead of the display name.

Can you try this and see if that works?{child_folder_id}

Keep us posted!

Hi Christina,

Thanks for the reply.

Yes i can get the child_folder_id and perhaps work a solution from there...maybe.

What I’m trying to achieve is ‘find a subfolder with a known name’ and return the number of totalItemCount or a ‘blank’ value response if it doesn’t exist. Then have a path action to branch on the return results.


What a cant understand is what would be causing the ‘?$filter=(displayName) eq 'Clients'’ on the end of the get request from being removed?

I’m not sure but it appears to be removed from the get request before it’s send over to graph?

Should that be happening?

Hi christina.d,

Is there any way of seeing the raw request that Zapier pumped out to the API?

Thanks in advance.