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I’m building a Zap that passes my LinkedIn event description into my CRM, but I need to be able to add custom HTML to it. I’ve added a text formatter into my Zap, converting markdown to HTML like this: 

But I don’t see a way to add custom HTML, as I’d like to add a font family, bold, italics, etc. Does anyone know how to do this? 

I might actually need to be doing this through the CRM itself, so let me know if I’m going about it all wrong. 

Welcome to the Community, @pfuller👋

Looks like you’re on the right track here. That Formatter action should convert any existing Markdown formatting that is present in the LinkedIn event’s description into the necessary HTML. But, the CRM you’re using would need to support HTML in order to apply that formatting. If it supports HTML then you should be able to add additional custom HTML into the fields of the CRM action in the Zap as well.

That said, can you confirm which CRM app and action the Zap uses to send the event description?

If you can also share a screenshot showing the settings and fields that have been selected within that CRM action in the Zap that would be much appreciated. This will help us to see if there’s anything there that might prevent the HTML from showing in the CRM. Please remember to remove or hide any private information from it first (like names, email addresses etc.)
Looking forward to hearing from you! 

Thank you for your reply, Sam! 

Yes, my CRM does support HTML! The CRM app is actually the webhooks by Zapier, but I’m not sure what you mean about the action the Zap uses to send the event description. Could it be the one that posts the information into the CRM? If so, here is a screenshot of it: 


And the _webinarDescription field is the field that contains the event description. Is this the information you were looking for? 

Hi @pfuller 

Good question.

If a field supports HTML, then you can any combo of:

  1. dynamic values
  2. static values
  3. static HTML tags

Thanks for getting back to me here, @pfuller

Ah, yes so the action your Zap is using that will send the event description over to the CRM is a looks like it’s POST (Webhooks by Zapier) action. As the CRM the webhook is sending this information to supports HTML then it should be formatting the event’s description correctly. You can add some additional text to that _webinarDescription field and add the custom HTML formatting to that but it’s not possible to edit the description directly within that action to add the formatting to the text contained within that field. Is that what you’re wanting to do here?

In the _webinarDescription field it looks like the Zap is currently set up to only sending over the event description from the Formatter action, so if the description received from LinkedIn doesn’t contain any Markdown formatting then the Formatter action won’t add the desired HTML formatting.

Is that the case here or does the event description already contain the necessary Markdown formatting?


I’m building a Zap that passes my LinkedIn event description into my CRM, but I need to be able to add custom HTML to it. I’ve added a text formatter into my Zap, converting markdown to HTML like this

But I don’t see a way to add custom HTML, as I’d like to add a font family, bold, italics, etc. Does anyone know how to do this? 

I might actually need to be doing this through the CRM itself, so let me know if I’m going about it all wrong. 

Yes, In many cases you can add custom HTML to your zap. Zapier provide several action and tools that allow you to customize and manipulate data within a zap, including adding custom HTML.