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Always get notif Trigger partner failure: The app returned "Service Temporarily Unavailable"

  • 12 January 2023
  • 0 replies

I have code like this, If I retest RSS what I want was sent to my telegram channel. but I am always get notif to - Trigger partner failure: The app returned "Service Temporarily Unavailable"-
maybe someone can help me?


const template = `

<b>Akademik Update</b>




await fetch(`${inputData.token}/sendMessage`, {

method: 'POST',

cache: 'no-cache',

headers: {

'Content-Type': 'application/json'


body: JSON.stringify({

chat_id: inputData.chatId,

text: template,

parse_mode: 'HTML',

disable_web_page_preview: false,

reply_markup: {

inline_keyboard: d


{text: "Go to Post", url:}



} })

}).then(res => res.json()).then(json => callback(null, json)).catch(callback);