Hello,I'm trying to get some fields from a JSON webhook to send to active campaign, but I'm not succeeding. I create a ZAP to run a JavaScript, but I'm not getting it, can you help me?
My json Data:
"type": "sale",
"event": "saleUpdated",
"sale": {
"code_url": "https://www.xxx.xxx.xxx",
"barcode": "123 1234 1234",
"expiration_date": "2021-10-02T03:00:00.000000Z"
"amount": 397, "proposal_id": null, "paid_at": null, "updated_at": "2021-09-29T17:27:53.000000Z", "created_at": "2021-09-29T17:27:52.000000Z", "id": 16395,
"client": {
"name": “myname”,
"email": "test@gmail.com",
"cellphone": "+5519987654321",
"cpf_cnpj": “123.456.789-06",
"status" : "approved",
"age": "xxx"
I need get name, email, cellphone, cpf_cnpj fields on client key, and code_url, barcode, expiration-date, amount on sale key. Can you help me?
My ZAP Flow: