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Hey, so I have set up a zap as follows 
Trigger - New product in woo commerce
Action - Remove HTML (from the short description)
Action - Shorten text (of the short description if needed)
Action - Discord Embed 

Now it was working until this latest product, I'm now getting this error “The app returned 400: Bad Request"

The end of the description should look like this 

too long!",

But for some reason it has moved the quotation mark and comma down a line like this 
too long!


I'm stumped as to why this is happening if anyone has any ideas it would be much appreciated

Hey @CollapsedOrange ,

Can you share screenshot of how did you configure Discord Embeded Action?

Thanks for the reply @jayeshkumarbhatia
This is the bit causing the issue, If I delete the output info that's in the description and just type Test it will work.
I'm thinking it must be something either from the original data from woo commerce or something caused by the remove html or shorten text 

Just tested the raw data from woo commerce and its  doing still doing it