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Use Zapier to keep track of your leads

  • September 16, 2020
  • 0 replies
Use Zapier to keep track of your leads

Hey there! 

Janine, here, one of the managing editors of the Zapier blog, with a recent piece we published about some of the ways you can use Zapier to help you keep track of the leads coming in to your business. You can set up a Zap to send names, contact info, and other details into your CRM or a spreadsheet, without you having to copy and paste.

In 3 ways to automatically keep track of your leads we offer examples and advice for how to:

  • Track leads that come in through email
  • Track leads you get from forms
  • Track leads you get from advertising campaigns

Is there a way you use Zapier to help with lead tracking? Reply and let us know!


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