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Member Spotlight: Marissa Ezell

Member Spotlight: Marissa Ezell

Women’s History Month is upon us and to celebrate, we’re highlighting one of our incredible community members who is on top of her developer game. 

We sat down with Marissa Ezell, a Georgia-based web developer at GetUWired, who shared how Zapier served as a launching point for her developer career and what cool projects she’s been working on:


Welcome, Marissa!  Tell us more about GetUWired and your role: 

At GetUWired, we offer solutions to our clients that result in seamless time and money saving integrations. I was a relatively new developer when I started working on the Zapier team at GetUWired and I feel that the low code/no code platform that Zapier provides has really acted as a launching board for my own skills as a developer.

One of the coolest parts of working with Zapier is that the opportunities for integration are really limitless. I really enjoy forming a relationship with our clients, getting to know their business processes and workflows which allows me to make suggestions to better their practices through automation.

I feel that the low code/no code platform that Zapier provides has really acted as a launching board for my own skills as a developer.”


What pain points do clients come to you with & how do you tackle them?

Repetitive tasks, over complicated business processes, manual steps, and siloed tech solutions are some of the regular pain points that businesses bring to us. The fact of the matter is that there is often not one tech solution that meets all of the needs of a business. That’s where Zapier comes in!

As a Certified Zapier Expert, it’s really gratifying to be able to help clients take their integration to the next level by leveraging the ability to include custom integrations. I feel like I’ve learned so much as a developer by working with Zapier. It really does allow you to identify the issues and come up with unique solutions.


Time to brag: what have these custom Zapier integrations enabled you to create?

We’ve done some really cool things with Zapier!

From completely automating invoicing and contracting processes to allowing different systems to communicate so that stakeholders can see all of the data in one place, and even building public integrations for SaaS applications that allow their users to benefit from the power of Zapier. There have been very few times where we haven’t been able to come up with a solution using Zapier.

There have been very few times where we haven’t been able to come up with a solution using Zapier.” 


The current burning questionChat GPT: how do you see it impacting the tech world? 

It’s an exciting and promising emerging technology but we’re still at the dawn so I’m not sure we’ve realized it’s full potential just yet. Its adaptability makes it a really powerful tool. I can see businesses using it to create lightweight chatbots and responses. I’ve also seen them integrated into social media replies for a more personalized communication.


What advice would you share with women who are considering a career as a developer: 

Go for it!

Don’t let imposter syndrome drag you down because no one actually knows what they’re doing. There are a lot of great resources out there. Even if you’re afraid to make the leap, once you find an entry point and start increasing your skill level you’ll see that a lot of the skills that are required to be a good developer are traits a lot of women already have. Communication, problem solving, innovation, and creativity are the lifeblood of development.

“[A] lot of the skills that are required to be a good developer are traits a lot of women already have. Communication, problem solving, innovation, and creativity are the lifeblood of development.”


🙌🏽 Yes!! Let’s wrap with a shout out to some women who have impacted your life & career: 

My Mom went back to school when she was older and entered a whole new career field. I admired that she took that on because change is always daunting.

Also Hedy Lamarr, because she pioneered the technology behind GPS, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. She was also an actress during the golden era of Hollywood. A great combination of brains and style!


I suspect a lot of folks out there would give Marissa a shout out for sharing her story and inspiring more women to enter the development / no-code world.

Here’s my personal shout out: Thank you, Marissa!! 💫


Is there a woman in automation you think we should spotlight? Nominate them in the comments and we’ll be in touch to learn more about their story! 


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