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Hi Community!

I thought I would share here how to create a Zap that can add reactions to messages filtered through keywords using Filter and Webhook actions.

The Zap can be more complex but for the example I made in 3 steps:


Summary View

Step 1: Trigger; I went ahead and used New Message Posted in Channel in Slack
Step 2: Action; Here I selected the Filter action with the option to “Only continue if...” 
Step 3: Action; Here I went with Webhook by Zapier; Custom Request in Webhooks by Zapier


Steps 1 and 2 are simple, so I will expand a bit more on Step 3 which for me was the trickiest part.


Step 3 Details  

App & event: 

  • App: Webhooks by Zapier
  • Event: Custom Request

Step Details: 

  • Method: POST
  • URL:
  • Data: channel=ChannelID&name=EmojiName&timestamp=MessageTs
  • Unflatten: False
  • Headers: 
    • Authorization: Bearer xoxb-your-personalized-slack-token
    • Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 


Action Details


Finally, here are a couple of links to resources that have helped me to get this Zap in action: 

Further Reading


Hope this is helpful and if there is anything I can clarify on the above, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


All the best,

This is awesome, @Wael, thanks so much for sharing it with us!

I’ve moved your post to the Show and Tell section of the Community so that folks looking for tips and inspiration will be able to find it more easily. 
