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Share your fabulous formulas! How have you used the Spreadsheet-style formula function?

  • 7 November 2019
  • 7 replies

One of the functions of the Formatter app is 'Spreadsheet Style formula'. It allows you to run the information from previous steps of a Zap through a formula.

If you've not used Spreadsheet style formula in a Zap before, this guide walks you through how to add use them: Use spreadsheet-style formulas in Zap

There's a whole bunch of different functions that you can add to the formula (this help guide documents all of them), which means that the possible applications for them are almost endless!

Is there a particular function that you find yourself using a lot? Or did you create a nifty IF statement that you're particularly proud of? Share your formula tips and show off your creative calculations!

Concatenate - "&"

My goto function whenever I need to combine text and values from other steps into a text string.

There's probably better ways to do this but we use the If statement a lot!

@RonW That's a great way glue a string of fields together 🙂 Could I ask when you might use this instead of, for example, typing in/adding each field straight into an action step?

@Optimi could you perhaps share example of one that you use? I'd love to know how you're using it 🙂

Earlier this year I used this Nested IF statement to feed into a Delay step. The step before this was a Formatter,Date/Time,Format step which changed the time the Zap ran into just the hour of the day.

Untitled ImageAnything after 9 and before 1pm will delay for 5 minutes

Anything before 9am will delay until 9am

Anything else will delay until tomorrow at 9am

@JasonZapier, where were you a few months ago when I was solving this very problem for a client who didn't want to pester their clients with SMSs at night.

Well, good to know!

PS - Long time no tweet! 😅

@Danvers Its not particularly interesting but we sometimes use the formula field to calculate a field choice for later in the workflow (similar to the lookup function).

Ex: if("{{33070877__fields__GST Code}}"="GST","OUTPUT2","ZERORATED"). This helps us work out the right tax code to put in a client's invoices. So its either OUTPUT2 or fallsback to ZERORATED.


@Optimi - I think it's interesting! Between yours and @JasonZapier's formula it looks like if then rules are a great way to use the Speadsheet formula function 😄