Hey Zapier community!
We all love Zapier ❤️! It's like the Swiss Army knife for automating tasks.
There were times when I wished for additional actions that weren't there, and I didn't want to dive into the rabbit hole of complex workflows or coding.
That is why I created Tuulio, a Zapier companion app that adds ready-to-use automation actions that are currently lacking in the Zapier toolset.
Let me show you how it solved a problem!
Use case: Automation workflow for delivering tax receipts
Problem: The tax receipt's numerical amount should be reported in written letters
Solution: Tuulio has an automation action that takes a number and converts it to text
Let’s be honest, Tuulio isn't a magic wand yet, but if you're not a coding guru, it can help you get things done.
I have a gift for all Zapier friends 🎁! A free 1-year license for Tuulio with all the updates.
Use the following code: ZAPIERFRIENDS
Feel free to talk with me and let me know if there are any other automation actions that you wish you could use easily.
Thanks! Happy Zapping!