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Hi all!

I'm putting together some blog posts - a roundup of decent Zapier tutorials out in the wild. I already keep a spreadsheet with links to good ones I find, but I'm sure I've missed a few (and maybe some of you want to plug yours).

What I'm looking for:

  • Either video tutorials or well-written, good-length blog post guides (with screenshots).
  • Can be beginner, intermediate or advanced level (I'll do a few different posts).
  • Can be focussed on just Zapier or "How to use Zapier + X app to do Y thing".

Excited to see what people have! 😀

Not to toot our own horn, but I think that the Zapier University videos on YouTube are pretty good.

I'd love to see what non-Zapier made videos are out there - does anyone have any recommendations?

@Danvers - will probably end up plugging the official Zapier tutorials as well 😀

@Andrew_Luhhu I hope you have that spreadsheet as a google doc and you could share it as read only here, so as you keep it updated people can view the additions! I would love to have read-only access to it! just launched... @jimmyrose is listed as a Zapier Expert.

@Paul - I'm going to turn it into a nice directory on my website and include a way for people to submit new entries.

I don't know how many people it'd be useful for but I've put one together that's helped me out after I switched to working from home - Automate your Slack status to show what you're working on

@Cohan - that’s neat! I’ll definitely include it. Alongside a link to the article, do you want me to add your Twitter handle or something?

Also, while I think, this might be a good addition re: @Janine_Anderson‘s post:

Zapier wants to know: What are your favorite Zaps when attending a conference? I could see an extension of this being a good way to alert colleagues that you’re at a conference... perhaps even going as far as telling people which session you’re in if you’re attending as a team.

Please feel free to, @CohanRobinson on Twitter

Ooh, I've not used Zapier for anything conference wise but off the top of my head there might be something in combining a Google Calendar with the rest of the Slack automation. Have the triggers be the GCal Event start and Event ended instead of the timer stop/start events in my tutorial. From there you put the talks you're attending into Google Calendar and let your Slack status do its thing

Thanks for thinking of my request, @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu ! That's a great suggestion. I've passed it on to the writer who's working on the piece.

And, @Cohan , not sure if you know about the Zapier-specific app tutorials you can find in our App Directory. Here's an example:

We don't have these for every app, but if there's an app you're particularly interested in, it's worth checking out!

@AndrewJDavison_Luhhu I thought this one was pretty well laid out! Found it while trying to figure out if there were practical use cases for iOS shortcut/zapier integrations.

@chels - Thanks, that's a really great guide - I'll add it to the list.

We've just published a new guide! It's about getting data into workflow max / xero practice manager, which currently doesn't integrate with Zapier natively...

Great stuff @Optimi - will add this for sure!