Hi all,
So I’m unsure if this is the best place to bring this issue and idea up, but thought it might be good to see how the community feels about this.
The issue
A big part of my company’s promise is about knowledge sharing to existing systems like CRM and other systems. We can offer this in most cases thanks to Zapiers many integration apps. However, it is not clear to the potential buyer if we can integrate with their preferred app and they don’t understand how it works. This is problematic as they need to go to zapier.com (which they might not know) to do some legwork or not researching it all. This makes them uncomfortable and they might assume its more difficult than it really is, and so this is a missed opportunity for us as a company and for Zapier as well.
Could we embed a search engine that searches within the available Zapier apps and shows an ‘if this then that’ Trigger-Action flow and potentially a link to the Zapier generated integration page (https://zapier.com/apps/rtrigger_app]/integrations/tAction_app] ), directly on the marketing website
I imagine an embed where the search generates a success message and the Trigger-Action flow. (see mock-up)
The idea is that website visitors can search and get clarity about the integration directly from within the company marketing website. They should think ‘Perfect, we can do what we need do. Seems straight forward’ and not have to get to know Zapier as a concept and figure out how terminology ect. (what’s a zap?)
I can definitely see it helping our company and Zapier too, but I can also imagine other companies benefitting.

Let me know if anyone have similar issues, if you like the idea and how it can be improved.