Extract all client data from Trustpilot new review email with a Gmail trigger

  • 17 May 2021
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 1

Hello everybody !

I recently wanted to get informations about my reviews in Truspilot.

Unfortunately, to get access to the API, you have to pay 120€/month, and it’s really expansive for a beginning  company.

I recently noticed that, every time I get a new review, Trustpilot sends en email with al the informations.

So I decided to create a zap which extracts all important informations in the email such as :

  • Client Fullname
  • Client Firstname (in case your client left a review with "John Doe" pattern)
  • Client Lastname (in case your client left a review with "John Doe" pattern)
  • Rate (as a number)
  • Review (I know that Trustpilot truncate the review, but the review can be really long before being truncated)
  • Review link (the direct link to this review)

With this informations, you can do so many things in Zapier. For example :

  • Send a Slack notifcation 
  • Populate a custom API via Zapier Webhooks
  • add a new row in Airtable (or Gsheet)
  • Create a new review in Webflow CMS (exactly what i’m using to add instant new reviews on my website)

There is the link of my zap. I added notes on every steps that needed to.


I have some tips for you :

  • I highly recommend you to create a label called “Trustpilot” in Gmail, and create a filter to add all Trustpilot mails under the “Trstupilot” label (my filter just point to noreply.notifications@trustpilot.com). With that, you just have to select the label Trustpilot in Zapier when you select your account.
  • Depending of the langage of your Trustpilot emails, you’ll have to change a word in Step 7 “Text with URL”, in setup action > Pattern. In French, “lisez” means “read”. So if you have english emails, you”ll have to change the word “lisez” for “read” instead.

This zap saved me so much time and money !

I hope it can help some of you :)

PS : To run this zap, you’ll need a paid account. But what is 20$/month Zapier vs 120$/month Trustpilot ?

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