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Zapier has a referral benefit for partners who participate in the Zapier Experts Program

About the Zapier Affiliate Program / Referral Program


Zapier does have a Referral Program for Certified Zapier Experts.

Zapier does not have a Referral/Affiliate Program for regular users.




Thanks for that, @Troy Tessalone!
Do you, or anyone else, happen to know if there's any talk about them (Zapier) eventually launching an affiliate program in the future? Ever?

God Bless You ALL & good luck!

Thank you, again! 
Adam Madden


My guess is it’s unlikely at this point, because Zapier doesn’t seem to need affiliates for its growth.

Thanks buddy!

Zapier is actively rolling out a Partner Referral Program for participants in our Zapier Experts Program This program will be available to 100% of all Zapier experts by early January 2025.


 Can you please guide me below post?

Thanks Everyone

Hi ​@Galrye123 the details of this help doc in relation to this community post and my prior comment should be interpreted as follows:

  1. Zapier does not currently have an affiliate program, although more information will be shared in the future on this topic.
  2. Zapier does offer a referral benefit to partners in our Experts program. If this is something that would be of interest to you or you’d like to learn if your business is a fit, we encourage you to apply at

Let us know if there’s additional guidance that would help on a specific point.
