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4 Popular Mailchimp Zapier automations explained


Hey everyone!

Mailchimp - probably one of the most popular newsletter sending apps out there. And for good reason. It's easy to get set up, send great looking campaigns and get detailed reports on what worked, and what didn't.

And, with Zapier, you can make Mailchimp even more powerful - a topic we've explored in our latest blog post:

4 Popular Mailchimp Zapier Automations Explained

To summarise:

1. Upgrade a form to Typeform, then add them to MailChimp

Typeform allows you to make great looking forms - perfect if you want to collect a little bit more than just name and email addres - and don't want your users to get bored while they do it.

2. Book appointments and meetings instantly with Calendly, then add them to MailChimp

Calendly is a lightweight way to get your customers to book appointments with you. And if they're already doing that, you may as well take away some hassle and put them straight on your mailing list.

3. Get leads on Facebook, then add them to MailChimp

Facebook Lead Ads is popular with so many businesses because it's a cost effective way to get new leads - and one way to extend the value is to add them to your mailing list for some followup marketing (just get permission first!)

4. Inspire repeat purchases by integrating MailChimp with your eCommerce solution

If your customers have bought something, chances are, they could be persuaded to buy again - and sending them timely newsletters is a great way to stoke that fire.

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4 replies

  • Beginner
  • 2 replies
  • May 7, 2020

Does mail chimp also have SmS campaigns along with email campaigns? Does it automatically stop a campaign when a client replies to either sms or email? I am trying to find a way to automate my clients follow up systems at the moment.

  • Tinkerer
  • 259 replies
  • May 8, 2020

@timucin No mailchimp doesn’t provide this. They do have an integration with another third party called EasyTexting. 
If your workflow is a bit more complex however, I would recommend creating your own Zap workflow with multiple apps and checks to make sure you achieve your goal

I try to integrate new coding in my site. You can see here some best method and documents.

ForYourIT wrote:

@timucin No mailchimp doesn’t provide this. They do have an integration with another third party called EasyTexting. 
If your workflow is a bit more complex however, I would recommend creating your own Zap workflow with multiple apps and checks to make sure you achieve your goal

In case you are considering your own Zap workflow with multiple apps, you could go for Twillio.
