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New Trigger! Trigger on a No Show is live 🆕 🎉

We've just added a fantastic new feature to our Calendly integration! You can now trigger actions in your workflows whenever a "No Show" occurs for an event. This means you can easily automate follow-ups and manage no-shows more effectively.


What This Means for You:

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Automatically send reminder emails or reschedule links to no-shows without manual intervention.
  • Improved Attendance Tracking: Keep track of attendance and no-shows seamlessly within your workflows.
  • Enhanced Workflow Automation: Save time and ensure no-shows are managed promptly and efficiently.


Use Cases Enhanced by This Feature:

  • Client Engagement: Automatically send a follow-up email to clients who miss their scheduled appointments, offering them an option to reschedule.
  • Internal Notifications: Notify team members or update internal systems when a no-show occurs, ensuring everyone stays informed.
  • Customer Retention: Trigger personalized offers or reminders for clients who frequently miss appointments, helping to retain valuable customers.
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