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New Feature! Bulk Actions: Change Zap Owner

Categories:Product UpdatesAnnouncements
New Feature! Bulk Actions: Change Zap Owner

Enhance your team’s efficiency with our new feature, which allows for quick and easy bulk transfer of Zap ownership, ensuring your critical business processes continue to function smoothly.

Most Relevant For...

  • Admins, Super Admins, and Owners who are managing the account
  • Admins who need to remove a user from the account and don’t want their Zaps to turn off
  • Users who need to transfer ownership of their own Zaps

How It Helps

  • Ensure Zaps keep running: When a user leaves your company you can transfer the ownership of Zaps, ensuring that the Zaps keep running and business-critical workflows are not disrupted.
  • Simplify Zap ownership: You can easily transfer ownership of multiple Zaps to a new user, streamlining your Zap ownership management process.
  • Save time and effort: Change ownership in bulk instead of Zap-by-Zap, saving you time and effort, and enabling you to focus on other important tasks.

Possible Use Cases

  • A team member has departed, or is about to, and it’s critical for the Super Admin to reassign their Zaps to ensure continuous operation.
  • After shifting from a common login to personal ones, they’re looking to transfer ownership to the team member responsible for building it.
  • Their goal is to pass the baton of a process to a team member, like someone in Marketing Ops or Sales Ops, who will assume ownership of the Zap going forward.”
  • When a user builds a business-critical Zap in a private folder, the Super Admin can transfer it to a shared folder for improved oversight.”

How It Works

On the Zaps page, users can choose to change the ownership of Zaps. There are two ways to change the owners.

  1. Select multiple Zaps → Right click → Select Change Owner → Assign to new owner
  2. Select multiple Zaps → Open dropdown in bulk actions menu → Select Change Owner → Assign to new owner

After a new owner has been selected, a notification will appear. The notification lets the owner know that the ownership of the Zaps is changing and directs them to a new Queued Actions page. The Queued Actions page will show all of the bulk actions that are processing.

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