Looking to boost your Admin Role skills? Our User Education team just launched the "Zapier Admin Essentials — Company Plan" learning series. Uncover the secrets of effectively administering your Zapier company account, from foolproof account setup to top-notch security measures and user management. Join us and empower your organization to maximize Zapier's potential!

By the end of this course you'll be able to:
- Select the security features that are right for your company
- Identify next steps for implementation
- Articulate how Zap and app sharing works in Zapier
- Create teams
- Create folders
- Share Zaps
- Share app connections
- Know how to add and remove users from your account
- Understand Zap activity, such as Zap runs and task usage
- Understand Zap health, including Zap errors and notifications
- Understand user activity, like users turning on and off Zaps
- Know how to connect and navigate your way to the right support option