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Webby Award Nomiation...We need your help!

Webby Award Nomiation...We need your help!

Hey Zapier Community! 👋

We've got some exciting news to share with you. Last year, Zapier was nominated as a finalist for the prestigious Webby Awards. We were among the top five nominees out of thousands of entrants, which is a huge accomplishment.

But here's the thing: we didn't win. And we want to win this year. That's why we need your help!

Voting for the Webby Awards goes until Thursday, April 20th. During this time, we'll be working hard to get the word out and encourage as many people as possible to vote for Zapier.

So, what can you do to support Zapier? Start by following us on social media, where we'll share updates and reminders about the Webby Awards and how to vote for us. But we also need your help to spread the word. Please share our posts, tag your friends, and let everyone know that Zapier deserves to win this award.

The Webby Awards are all about recognizing excellence on the Internet, and we believe that Zapier is a prime example of this. We're passionate about providing the best tools and solutions to make your work easier and more efficient.

So, let's make it happen! Vote for Zapier and help us win the Webby Award in 2023!


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