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Stop paying for software you can build yourself

Stop paying for software you can build yourself
  • Zapier Staff
  • 4 replies

Hi! Deb here, from the Zapier blog. We don’t always see eye-to-eye on our team (there are some among us who even like cats :grimacing: ), but there is one thing we can agree on: you should never be embarrassed of a productivity system that works for you. We all use random apps for random purposes, some of us use Post-its or scrap paper, and others even use their brains (brave, I know).

Our staff writer Justin has taken this productivity personalization one step further: when he couldn’t find a journal app he liked, he built his own using Zapier. He recently wrote a piece for the blog about building your own software—using Zapier in some cases, but also just by tweaking your existing apps to make them the right tools for the job. Check it out.

Stop paying for software you can build yourself

Have you built a productivity app for yourself or tweaked an existing one? Let me know in the comments, and we might feature you on the blog!

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