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Hey, folks! I’m Janine, one of the editors of the Zapier blog. 

You’re on the Zapier site, so you probably already know at least a little bit about automation and how it can help you with tasks in your apps, but I wanted to share a little about what automation can do for you, if you, like many people, are thinking about your next job opportunity.

First, automation is a valuable skill, as we learned in our summer Job Seekers Report, where about 70 percent of people looking for a job thought automation skills could help them land their next gig.

But automation can also help you with the more practical, hands-on parts of find your next position.

Writer Krystina Martinez put together a guide earlier this year on ways to use automation to ease a job search. It includes tips on creating a database of jobs you’re applying to, tracking applications, managing your to-do list, building specific skills, and promoting yourself on LinkedIn.

We published a follow-up last month on streamlining job sources in an RSS feed so no matter where you are finding job postings, you only need to check one place to review all of them.



 @Janine_Anderson be aware the RSS feed for Zapier jobs seems to be gone. mentions:

Some companies have RSS feeds for job listings—such as Zapier—but many default to email digests. We'll cover how to automatically add them to an RSS feed, so the only emails you need to worry about are from recruiters.


That links points to, which is what I was using in a Zap until today. But that RSS does not exist anymore, and returns an error.


I suspect this is happening because link called “Get notified about new jobs using our RSS feed” now points to which is a plain XML, not a valid RSS feed as per


So now any zap using the old feed is broken, and replacing the URL will not work as the new URL is not a RSS feed. I guess people could adjust the zaps to handle changes on the XML, but I think a lot people will not really do it, and the job RSS feed should be a real RSS feed.


Not to mention the example provided at is now broken :-)



Thanks so much for flagging this, @jgonzalez

I’m so sorry the old URL for the RSS feed is no longer working. I’ll let the team know so that they can get those links updated. Thanks again! 🙂
