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How to automate a manual process without feeling overwhelmed

How to automate a manual process without feeling overwhelmed

Hey there, Zapier Community! Janine here from the Zapier blog team. One of our staff writers recently talked with a few Zapier Experts, @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu  of Luhhu and Paul Kortman of Connex Digital, about how they approach automation—particularly for complicated processes that might feel overwhelming.

Their recommendations came down to these five things: 

  1. Start with an outline

  2. Find the inefficiencies

  3. Review the decision points

  4. Dive in and start simple

  5. Stay flexible

For more on how to put these tips in action, read our piece:

How to automate a manual process without feeling overwhelmed


What manual processes do you want to automate? (Or, if you've automated something that you're proud of, share that in the comments!)

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