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Automation is everywhere

Automation is everywhere
  • Zapier Staff
  • 4 replies

Hi! Deb here, from the Zapier blog. On our team, automation and Zapier are kind of synonymous, but automation is (obviously) so much more than Zapier. 

The more we write about apps and technology on the blog, the more I'm introduced to and reminded of all the types of automation available to us as knowledge workers, business owners, and just...humans. And I'm not only talking about the basics like getting an automated reminder that your doctor's appointment is coming up. Here are a few topics that have come up recently that have reminded me how we can "automatically" do things all over the place.

What kind of automation do you use on the regular that you forget is actually automation? Let me know in the comments, and we might feature you on the Zapier blog!

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